Monday, July 3, 2017

Bautismo! 💦 Week 45

Hey everyone! 
This week was awesome! So many amazing things happened!
First off Josselin got baptized! It was awesome! At the baptism the whole branch pretty much came! It was such a sweet experience!
Josselin is nine, her mom and brother are members but her dad isn't yet. It's really such a blessing to be able to help people find the restored gospel and for them to get baptized by the priesthood authority. And what an spiritual experience baptisms are.
This week many other things happened from interviews and exchanges with the APs. So I learned so much this week. And as Elder Mujica and I have applied the things we learned we have seen so many Milagros come from it. Saturday the day after we had exchanges we went out and worked hard and met some people that were really interested. Here is one of the experiences, we went to go and see Gabrielle someone that we met about a week ago. When we started to talk to her she stopped us and said, "can I go get my niece I think she would like to talk to you guys too." We gladly accepted her request and met Laticia. We had a super powerful Christ centered lesson on the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. They were both really into it and desired to come to church. We set up a ride with a member and they both came to church Sunday along with another member of their family (who we later found out was a member of the church but hasn't come for over a year) They
all really liked church. When we went to see them Sunday night we read in the Book of Mormon with them and they were all excited to read chapter 2 and pray about it! They also mentioned another family member that they said would be interested in talking to us too! We don't even have to ask them for referrals they just keep giving them to us!
Elder Johnson
Las fotos!
1) Josselin at her baptism!
2-3) Kellogg District
4-5) Josselin's little brother. This was super funny. We left after a lesson with Josselin. Fernando came out grabbed our hands walked to the car with us and wanted to go home with us. Sorry the pics are real blurry

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